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Welcome to the charmz4charity program. We know that this project will enrich the lives of all the students that participate, and we look forward to seeing their smiling faces when they present a cheque to the registered children's charity of their choice.

Each school that partakes in the program agrees to the following:

The charmz4charity program must be run as an after-school or lunch school program.

The Charmz4Charity kit and its content is the property of Charmz4Charity is not to be used for personnel use or personnel profit.

The school agrees to run the charmz4charity program no longer than a 3 month period.

The school agrees that the program will be supervised by at least 1 teacher from that school and 1 other adult at all times that students are participating in the program.

All content in the charmz4charity kit is to be used to make bracelets for the purpose of raising funds for a Registered Canadian Children's Charity.

A Registered Canadian Children's Charity that a school has chosen, must be approved by charmz4charity in order to meet CRA requirements.

All funds collected by the students from the bracelet sale are to be given to charmz4charity. Charmz4charity will then direct those funds to the Registered Children's Charity that was chosen by the school and approved by charmz4charity.

The school agrees to allow photos of the students while they are participating in the charmz4charity program so that they can be put on the charmz4charity web site. The school is responsible for providing signed permission slips from parents allowing charmz4chairty to use their child's photo on the web site.


Copyright © 2024 Charmz 4 Charity : Revenue Canada Charitable Business Number 85976 2569 RR0001